All supports in Fire Emblem Engage - Full support list
All the characters in Fire Emblem Engage can have special relationships with the other units you recruit. Their relationships range from friendships to rivalries, to flirty banter. However, you have to go through each one of their support pages to see who they can build a bond with, and this can take a very long time. So, here is a full list of all the support relationships you can build with all the units in Fire Emblem Engage.
All supports in Fire Emblem Engage
Here are all the supports in Fire Emblem Engage. Most of them will have around 13 support relationships, with the princes and princesses having 14. We have listed them exactly how you can find them in the Ally Notebook, based on their factions.
Lythos units supports
Alear support list:
- Alear can reach A support rank with all the characters in Fire Emblem Engage.
Vander support list
- Lindon, Saphir, Mauvier, Goldmary, Pandreo, Clanne, Framme, Alfred, Amber
Clanne support list:
- Veyle, Hortensia, Fogado, Framme, Vander, Etie, Louis, Citrinne, Zelkov, Jean
Framme support list:
- Goldmary, Timerra, Vander, Clanne, Boucheron, Chloé, Diamant, Lapis, Kagetsu, Anna
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Firene units supports
Alfred support list:
- Veyle, Timerra, Bunet, Vander, Boucheron, Diamant, Etie, Amber, Céline, Ivy, Yunaka
Boucheron support list:
- Lindon, Goldmary, Panette, Etie, Lapis, Kagetsu, Framme, Zelkov, Alfred, Alcryst
Etie support list:
- Goldmary, Panette, Fogado, Lapis, Alfred, Boucheron, Céline, Yunaka, Clanne, Jade
Céline support list:
- Mauvier, Hortensia, Fogado, Lapis, Alfred, Etie, Kagetsu, Alcryst, Chloé, Louis, Jean
Louis support list:
- Saphir, Rosado, Pandreo, Chloé, Céline, Yunaka, Clanne, Jade, Zelkov, Ivy
Chloé support list:
- Hortensia, Seadall, Bunet, Merrin, Céline, Louis, Jean, Framme, Amber, Citrinne
Jean support list:
- Lindon, Jade, Chloé, Zelkov, Bunet, Céline, Clanne
Related: Fire Emblem Engage vs. Three Houses: All major differences
Brodia units supports
Diamant support list:
- Saphir, Veyle, Timerra, Framme, Amber, Citrinne, Jade, Ivy, Alfred, Kagetsu, Alcryst
Amber support list:
- Mauvier, Seadall, Merrin, Panette, Jade, Alfred, Chloé, Zelkov, Vander, Diamant
Jade support list:
- Lindon, Rosado, Bunet, Timerra, Diamant, Amber, Kagetsu, Louis, Jean, Etie
Alcryst support list:
- Saphir, Seadall, Hortensia, Pandreo, Fogado, Diamant, Céline, Citrinne, Ivy, Lapis, Boucheron
Lapis support list:
- Rosado, Goldmary, Fogado, Céline, Citrinne, Boucheron, Etie, Framme, Alcryst, Anna
Citrinne support list:
- Veyle, Seadall, Merrin, Alcryst, Diamant, Lapis, Chloé, Zelkov, Clanne, Yunaka
Yunaka support list:
- Seadall, Merrin, Zelkov, Goldmary, Fogado, Citrinne, Etie, Louis, Panette, Alfred
Saphir support list:
- Goldmary, Louis, Panette, Alcryst, Diamant, Lindon, Vander
Related: How the Wyvern Riding activity works in Fire Emblem Engage
Elusia units supports
Ivy support list:
- Veyle, Mauvier, Hortensia, Panette, Timerra, Louis, Alcryst, Diamant, Zelkov, Alfred, Kagetsu
Zelkov support list:
- Louis, Kagetsu, Citrinne, Clanne, Yunaka, Boucheron, Anna, Ivy, Amber, Jean
Kagetsu support list:
- Seadall, Merrin, Bunet, Boucheron, Ivy, Diamant, Zelkov, Céline, Framme, Jade
Hortensia support list:
- Veyle, Lindon, Ivy, Céline, Clanne, Alcryst, Goldmary, Chloé, Rosado, Fogado, Anna
Rosado support list:
- Mauvier, Goldmary, Seadall, Jade, Louis, Hortensia, Lapis, Fogado, Merrin, Pandreo
Goldmary support list:
- Saphir, Hortensia, Lapis, Rosado, Boucheron, Framme, Vander, Etie, Panette, Yunaka
Anna support list:
- Mauvier, Hortensia, Lapis, Framme, Bunet, Zelkov, Timerra
Lindon support list:
- Mauvier, Hortensia, Saphir, Boucheron, Vander, Jade, Jean
Solm units supports
Timerra support list:
- Veyle, Seadall, Jade, Framme, Panette, Fogado, Merrin, Ivy, Diamant, Alfred, Anna
Merrin support list:
- Veyle, Panette, Bunet, Timerra, Rosado, Chloé, Kagetsu, Citrinne, Amber, Yunaka
Panette support list:
- Saphir, Timerra, Amber, Merrin, Ivy, Boucheron, Etie, Goldmary, Pandreo, Yunaka
Fogado support list:
- Timerra, Etie, Pandreo, Bunet, Rosado, Hortensia, Lapis, Céline, Clanne, Alcryst, Yunaka
Pandreo support list:
- Veyle, Mauvier, Seadall, Bunet, Rosado, Alcryst, Panette, Fogado, Vander, Louis
Bunet support list:
- Mauvier, Fogado, Pandreo, Merrin, Chloé, Kagetsu, Jade, Alfred, Anna, Jean
Seadall support list:
- Veyle, Pandreo, Chloé, Kagetsu, Rosado, Alcryst, Timerra, Yunaka, Amber, Citrinne
Gradlon units supports
Veyle support list:
- Pandreo, Timerra, Citrinne, Mauvier, Merrin, Alfred, Seadall, Hortensia, Clanne, Ivy, Diamant
Mauvier support list:
- Pandreo, Ivy, Veyle, Rosado, Amber, Anna, Bunet, Vander, Céline, Lindon
About the author
Adrian Oprea
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